Richard Curtis filmist „That Christmas“ peegeldab vajadust minevikufilmide suurema mitmekesisuse järele
Briti stsenarist ja režissöör Richard Curtis Ta ei karda minevikus tehtud vigadest õppida – ja just seda ta tegi ka oma uut pühadefilmi Need jõulud...
Christina Milian katkestab “Meet Me Next Christmas” Drag Queen Dance’i
vahel Christina Milian Ja Davell EllisSaates Meet Me Next Christmas ekraanil kuvatavasse armastusloosse hüppasid nad huulte sünkroonimise võitluses hoo sisse. “See oli dope,” ütles 40-aastane...
Kui palju teenib Mariah Carey saatest “All I Want For Christmas Is You”?
Mariah Carey Juhtme kujutis Kevin Mazurile/MC-le Mariah Carey Teeb endiselt suuri raha oma ikoonilise hitiga “All I Want for Christmas Is You”. The Economisti andmetel...
Olge rõõmsad, Hallmarki 2024. aasta „Jõuludeni Countdown to Christmas” koosseis on kujunemas
Rodin Eckenroth / Getty Images Hallmark Media jaoks Hallmark Channel on oma 2024. aasta “Jõuludeni Countdown to Christmas” sarja välja andnud alates aprillist – ja...
King Charles is pictured with a younger Prince Harry and Prince William in rarely-seen Christmas card photos as they go up for auction
Royal fans can take a step back in time as a collection of keepsakes that once belonged to King Charles’s trusted employee is set to...
The quirkiest royal warrant holders past and present: From broomsticks and hats to guns and Christmas crackers… as King Charles renews honour for Parker despite leaky pen outburst
When King Charles got visibly upset over a leaking fountain pen just days after his mother’s death, bosses at Parker may well have thought they would...
Inside the whirlwind romance of Spain's hottest new couple: How Princess's granddaughter Teresa Urquijo, 28, met mayor of Madrid José Luis Martínez-Almeida, 48, less than a year ago before getting engaged at Christmas with '72 red roses'
The cream of the Spanish social elite gathered this weekend as the Mayor of Madrid José Luis Martínez-Almeida married Teresa Urquijo, the granddaughter of Princess Teresa of Bourbon-Two...