Usher tunnistab, et tema Super Bowli järgne üllatuspulm oli “äkiline”: “Otsustasime seda teha viimasel minutil”
Pärast seda, kui me kõik ütlesime “Jah!” Veebruaris toimunud Super Bowli poolajashow’l ei läinud Usher lihtsalt tagasi ja vaatas järelejäänud suurt mängu Kansas City Chiefsi...
Jesse T. Mida Usher ‘The Boys’ sööb, et vormis püsida
Näitleja Jesse T. Usher paljastab oma füüsise säilitamise saladuse Amazon Prime’i filmi The Boys filmimise ajal. Neli hooaega hõlmav sari jälgib valvsaid, kui nad võitlevad...
Why Harry is a no-show at the Duke of Westminster's 'society wedding of the year'… but William will play a star role: Prince made 'civilised agreement' to bow out of old friend's nuptials leaving usher role free for estranged brother
Prince Harry has agreed to stay away from the wedding of one of his closest friends for fear of his feud with his brother William...
Prince William set to be an usher at the Duke of Westminster's wedding – but Harry ISN'T on the guest list for his pal Hugh Grosvenor's marriage to Olivia Henson to 'avoid any royal tensions overshadowing the big day'
It’s set to be the society event of the summer, with so many members of the aristocracy in attendance that it’s been dubbed the ‘almost...