Three Household Cavalry soldiers who were injured when their horses were spooked by building work and rampaged through London are set to make a full recovery and will be returning to duty, Army reveals

Three soldiers injured when they were thrown from their Household Cavalry horses when the animals were spooked and rampaged through the capital are expected to recover fully and return to active duty.

Five people, including three soldiers riding the horses, were injured in three separate incidents during the six-mile rampage on Wednesday that lasted two hours. 

Household Cavalry horses Vida and Quaker were two of five that were spooked as they passed through Wilton Crescent in Belgravia at 8.40am yesterday and heard a loud noise from concrete dropping on the floor from a builder’s travelator.

Both are in a ‘serious condition’ but have undergone operations. 

This morning, the Army confirmed the soldiers were expected to be alright and would soon return to their normal duties. 

Two horses that ran rampage through London after being ‘spooked by builders moving rubble’ are in a ‘serious condition’ 

This blood-soaked Household Cavalry horse was one of five that bolted during a morning exercise today (pictured between Tower Bridge and the Limehouse tunnel after a six-mile rampage)

This blood-soaked Household Cavalry horse was one of five that bolted during a morning exercise today (pictured between Tower Bridge and the Limehouse tunnel after a six-mile rampage)

The horse was seen galloping through the streets of London in terrifying scenes on Wednesday morning

The horse was seen galloping through the streets of London in terrifying scenes on Wednesday morning

The last two horses were finally caught outside the Glamis Estate in Limehouse

The last two horses were finally caught outside the Glamis Estate in Limehouse

The horses bolted and went on a six-mile rampage through central London on Wednesday

The horses bolted and went on a six-mile rampage through central London on Wednesday

A spokesperson said: ‘All three soldiers involved are expected to recover fully and to return to duty.

‘Of the seven horses which were spooked, five tried to bolt and four, Vida, Trojan, Quaker and Tennyson, broke loose. 

‘Two of the injured horses were operated on last night, with one transferred to an equine hospital. All remaining horses are being closely observed. 

‘Our horses receive the highest standards of care, and those that did not undergo surgery are expected to return to duty in due course.

‘We want to thank everyone who has shown such kindness and concern towards our soldiers and horses.’

It emerged that Vida, the blood-soaked white horse, reportedly has a history of being spooked and even allegedly kicked a soldier in the head during the King’s Coronation. 

One of the five tried to bolt but was caught in time, but horses Trojan, Quaker and Tennyson all joined Vida in running loose.

Army top brass told MailOnline the horses were given the best treatment possible by military vets, which saved their lives.

A spokesman told MailOnline: ‘Be in no doubt, had these not been military horses then their chances of survival would have been greatly reduced.’ 

Vida, a grey that was seen bleeding heavily after clattering into a parked minivan outside The Clermont Hotel near Victoria station, underwent surgery last night and is new recovering under observation at the Hyde Park barracks.

Quaker, meanwhile, is the more seriously injured of the two and was transferred to an undisclosed equine hospital this morning after also undergoing surgery last night.

Is is believed that the five horses were spooked when some cement was dropped by the travelator onto the ground

Is is believed that the five horses were spooked when some cement was dropped by the travelator onto the ground

Rubble being moved from a building on Wilton Crescent Wilton Crescent, a street in the Belgravia area, where builders using a travelator with concrete are believed to have spooked the horses

Rubble being moved from a building on Wilton Crescent Wilton Crescent, a street in the Belgravia area, where builders using a travelator with concrete are believed to have spooked the horses

It is understood that three soldiers were injured after the horses spooked and smashed into cars and a bus

It is understood that three soldiers were injured after the horses spooked and smashed into cars and a bus

It is not yet known for sure if Quaker was the black horse captured on mobile phone footage moments after colliding into a parked tourist bus near Buckingham Palace.

Neither horse is understood to have suffered any broken bones and have been treated for serious cuts and blood loss.

An Army spokesman told MailOnline: ‘We are hoping that both these horses make a recovery. Whether they will recover enough to return to official duties, it’s too early to know for sure.

‘But they’ve been given the best veterinary treatment possible and had they not been attached to the army then I don’t believe they would have made it this far.

‘Vida was the most visibly injured and the pictures of the horse running through London soaked in blood were horrifying. Vida was operated on overnight and is currently in stables at the Hyde Park Barracks under observation.

‘Quaker is the most seriously injured and was also operated on overnight but it was decided to move the horse to an equine hospital in the early hours.

‘The extent of the injuries is not completely clear but we don’t believe at this stage there are any broken bones. The injuries are consistent with serious lacerations.’

Yesterday morning, six soldiers and seven horses from the Life Guards were on an extended Watering Order, an exercise to keep up the fitness of animals not involved in the public-facing King’s Life Guard duties.

They are thought to have been spooked by the noise and five bolted, with two remaining in place. 

Defence minister James Cartlidge said Vida and Quaker were ‘in a serious condition, but as I understand, still alive’.

He told Sky News today: ‘[They] are unfortunately in a relatively serious condition and obviously we will be monitoring that condition.’

The military horses who ran loose through London was an ‘exceptional’ situation, the minister added, explaining more than 150 animals are on exercise in the capital each day.

Today, members of the Household Cavalry are set to parade at the Major General’s annual inspection of the Mounted Regiment.

Mr Cartlidge told LBC: ‘Obviously, we didn’t want that situation to happen. What I would stress to you is that this is very exceptional.

Members of the Household Cavalry prior to parading at the Major General's annual inspection of the Mounted Regiment today

Members of the Household Cavalry prior to parading at the Major General’s annual inspection of the Mounted Regiment today

The regiment will be hoping there is no repeat of the shocking scenes yesterday Members of the regiment were in Hyde Park this morning ahead of the inspection

The regiment will be hoping there is no repeat of the shocking scenes yesterday. Members of the regiment were in Hyde Park this morning (pictured) ahead of the inspection

Major General James Bowder during his annual inspection of the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment, in Hyde Park, London, today

Major General James Bowder during his annual inspection of the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment, in Hyde Park, London, today

Concrete rubble allegedly fell from the conveyor belt onto the floor

Concrete rubble allegedly fell from the conveyor belt onto the floor

It is believed this is what spooked the five horses and sparked their six-mile rampage through London

It is believed this is what spooked the five horses and sparked their six-mile rampage through London

‘You are probably aware that the army has horses out on exercise in central London every day of the week. It is about 150 horses on average exercising every day. 

‘So this is extremely unlikely this scenario. Unfortunately we have seen what has happened, but all I can say is the crucial thing, as you said yourself, no serious injuries to the public as far as we aware, and of course we will be keeping an eye on the situation.’

An Army source told The Sun that the white horse that was drenched in blood, Vida, was ‘lively’ and had a history of being spooked.

Vida is thought to have kicked a soldier in the head during the King’s Coronation. 

Usually Household Cavalry horses are black, however the regiment’s state trumpeters always ride white or grey horses such as Vida. 

Four soldiers were unseated as the spooked horses bolted and three servicemen were injured and taken to hospital. 

None are in a life-threatening condition. 

Onlookers yesterday said one of the Household Cavalry soldiers was left ‘screaming in pain’ after he was thrown from his horse when it struck a car by the Clermont Hotel on Buckingham Palace Road, Victoria. 

MailOnline discovered one of the animal’s horseshoes that was thrown off when they were on Fleet Street

The horses were pursued by a police car before they were finally caught by officers on the Highway near Limehouse

The horses were pursued by a police car before they were finally caught by officers on the Highway near Limehouse

The distressed animals are now waiting to be picked up by the Army

The distressed animals are now waiting to be picked up by the Army

Other horses were caught in Wapping (pictured), in east London, on Wednesday

Other horses were caught in Wapping (pictured), in east London, on Wednesday

One of the horses has also seemingly ran into a double-decker bus, smashing its windscreen

Blood smeared on the road at the scene where a horse collided with a bus

Blood smeared on the road at the scene where a horse collided with a bus

The horses rampaged for six miles before they were finally caught in Limehouse, east London. The injured horses saw a vet and all of the animals are now back at the Army’s camp.

One of the horses has also seemingly ran into a double-decker bus, smashing its windscreen, while another reportedly crashed into a black cab.

Emergency services rushed to help the injured soldier, who was seen being treated on the road.

Construction worker Adejo Are said he saw one of the horses crash into the front of a Big Bus as it fled down Buckingham Palace Road.

‘The were running down the street at a very high speed. It was very scary,’ he said.

‘It’s rare to see horses stampeding down the street like that.

‘I heard a big bang from further down the road as the horse ran into the bus. Two others then also hit it and fell to the ground before getting up and running off.

‘The first one just stood there like it was stunned and turned around and then back again.

‘A man from the street came over and guided it out of the road and calmed it down. I was very impressed because he wasn’t in any uniform. He just knew how to deal with the horse.

‘The front of the bus was completely shattered from the impact.’

Bashir Aden, 48, a construction worker, told The Telegraph: ‘I saw a soldier falling down into the street after the horse ran into a car. One of my colleagues called the police. 

Buckingham Palace Road was closed after the shocking incident and a cordon was put in place

Buckingham Palace Road was closed after the shocking incident and a cordon was put in place

Two of the horses were seen galloping through the streets of London covered in blood

Two of the horses were seen galloping through the streets of London covered in blood

Londoners were seen avoiding one of the horses as it ran along the pavement. One horse reportedly ran into a black cab

Londoners were seen avoiding one of the horses as it ran along the pavement. One horse reportedly ran into a black cab

It is unclear whose blood has covered the horses

It is unclear whose blood has covered the horses

‘The man hit the floor hard, he was screaming in pain. 

‘You could see blood all over the parked car.’ 

A silver Mercedes-Benz people carrier was also hit by another horse, with damage to its side and two rear windows broken. 

The Mercedes taxi driver spoke of his ‘shock’ after a loose Household Cavalry horse smashed into his car near Buckingham Palace. 

One of the horses smashed into his people carrier, shattering his windows and leaving deep dents in his car.

There were also specks of blood splattered across the side.

The driver, called Farez, revealed how he was completely unaware of the horses until one slammed into his car.

He had been waiting for a passenger when the horse struck his car. 

He told LBC: ‘I was just sitting in the car to pick up my passenger, but on the other side there was a [horse] but I didn’t see.’

‘When the horse hit my car then I saw, it was like a smash.’

Recalling how bystanders came over to the car to check on his welfare, Farez added: ‘I was ok, but it [the car] is damaged. 

The serviceman was treated by paramedics on the road after the incident

The serviceman was treated by paramedics on the road after the incident

A blue tarpaulin tent was put up around the injured soldier

A blue tarpaulin tent was put up around the injured soldier 

Emergency services rushed to the scene after shocking reports of the rampaging horses

Emergency services rushed to the scene after shocking reports of the rampaging horses

Then we stopped all the traffic and the one military guy fell down.’

He added: ‘I saw about three, four horses. The think the white horse hit my car.’

Another man was trampled by one of the horses as he cycled to work along Fleet Street.

Onlookers say they saw two horses – one black and one white – charging down the street towards Ludgate at around 8.30am.

The man, described as in his late 30s to early 40s, was knocked off his bike by the white horse outside of the International Arbitration Centre (IAC) in Fleet Street.

What drivers should do if they see wild horses on roads? 

 Nextbase head of road safety Bryn Brooker told MailOnline: ‘Never rev your engine or toot your horn near a horse as this could cause them to bolt. 

‘If you are passing a horse, slow down to 10mph at the absolute maximum and give them at least two metres of space. 

‘If the road is blocked, stop your car and turn off your engine. If you see a horse that appears to be in distress, call the police and provide as much detail as you can about its location. 

Call the police if you hit an animal. You by law have to call the police. The RSPCA will also help with an injured animal.’

The horse continued galloping down the street after the collision, shedding a horseshoe further down the busy road.

Mark Camps, who works at the IAC, said he saw the cyclist lying on the street in front of the building.

‘He was conscious and lying flat on his back in the road, but wasn’t able to speak,’ he explained.

‘Some passersby ran over to help him and carried him to the pavement. He still had his helmet on, luckily.

‘The ambulance eventually came around 9am and were able to move him.’

Police were reportedly in hot pursuit of the escaped horses, flying down the street five minutes behind the horses.

A shopkeeper on Fleet Street said she heard the noise of the horses first as they galloped down the road at high speed, before hearing a commotion quickly followed by sirens.

‘There are usually police on horses around here,’ she said. ‘But this was clearly very different just from the sound. And then I saw the horses charge past, one covered in blood.

‘I texted my friend immediately after at 8:39am.’

Buckingham Palace Road was closed after the shocking incident and a cordon was put in place.

A blue tarpaulin tent was put up around the injured soldier.

The horses ran through the streets of Victoria and got as far east as Aldwych before they were calmed and contained by police on the Highway near Limehouse.

Officers are now waiting for Army horseboxes to take the animals away. 

A woman who saw the horse crash into the Mercedes told LBC: ‘One of the horses hit the Mercedes van and the rider was on it, fell back on this little middle bit of the road and the other woman lost control of her horse and she managed to grab the railings.

‘The horses were injured obviously from the glasses that they had broken. [The injured soldier] was laying there on the ground. He looked like he hurt himself pretty bad. It was terrible.’

Startled taxi driver, Farez (pcit revealed he was shocked when a horse collided with his car, lifting it up into the air on one side

Startled taxi driver, Farez (pcit revealed he was shocked when a horse collided with his car, lifting it up into the air on one side

One of the horses smashed into a people carrier, shattering his windows and leaving deep dents with specks of blood splattered across the side

One of the horses smashed into a people carrier, shattering his windows and leaving deep dents with specks of blood splattered across the side

The taxi-driver's Mercedes people carrier was left with two obliterated rear windows, deep dents, as well as blood smeared on the side

The taxi-driver’s Mercedes people carrier was left with two obliterated rear windows, deep dents, as well as blood smeared on the side

Buckingham Palace Road was closed following the startling incident (pictured: A crumpled police accident sign at the scene)

Buckingham Palace Road was closed following the startling incident (pictured: A crumpled police accident sign at the scene)

Passersby were shocked to see the incident unfold

Passersby were shocked to see the incident unfold

The horses were running at some pace after they became spooked while exercising

The horses were running at some pace after they became spooked while exercising

Members of the public were seen comforting one of the horses after it ran loose. Blood was seen on the road

Members of the public were seen comforting one of the horses after it ran loose. Blood was seen on the road

This horse was caught in Limehouse and had visible and bloodied injuries

This horse was caught in Limehouse and had visible and bloodied injuries

The horses were all caught and accounted for by 10.30am, the Met Police said.

Footage of two horses being caught outside Gordon House on the Glamis Estate in Limehouse, east London, appeared to show that the white horse had broken its leg.

Still drenched in blood, the horse’s back left leg was bandaged and the animal seemed unwilling to walk on it.

The police worked with soldiers to contain the horses before moving them into an Army horsebox. 

The animals were reportedly calm and stationary by the time the police reached them.

Held at the side of the road by several officers, the white horse bled all over the road and was treated by vets at the scene.

Footage shows it bleeding profusely from its back leg as police gathered around to stem the flow.

Builder Tom Cahill saw the horses being collected by the army.

He said: ‘The horses had stopped and the police caught up to them.

‘It looked like the white horse had broken its leg. 

‘At first there were just a few police officers but then they called the army in.

‘After they took the horses away they were trying to clean up all the blood but they didn’t have enough water.

‘There was so much blood they had to call the fire department to clean it up.’ 

Many people living in Gordon House saw the commotion as they left for the school run.

Junaid Ahmed said he saw the scene from his bedroom window.

He said: ‘It was so sad – I have pets myself and seeing all that blood dripping onto the street….I just hope he’s alright.

‘I even saw some of the police officers crying as they were treating the horse.’

An Army Spokesperson said: ‘A number of military working horses became loose during routine exercise this morning. 

‘All of the horses have now been recovered and returned to camp.

‘A number of personnel and horses have been injured and are receiving the appropriate medical attention.’

By this time, the horses were bloodied but calm and had stopped charging through the streets

By this time, the horses were bloodied but calm and had stopped charging through the streets

They were kept calm by members of the police and the armed forces

They were kept calm by members of the police and the armed forces

The white horse seemingly had more injuries than the black one. Blood was splattered across the road

The white horse seemingly had more injuries than the black one. Blood was splattered across the road

Builder Tom Cahill saw the horses being collected by the army. After the horses were taken away, he said 'there was so much blood they had to call the fire department to clean it up'

Builder Tom Cahill saw the horses being collected by the army. After the horses were taken away, he said ‘there was so much blood they had to call the fire department to clean it up’

Police officers blocked off traffic while the two final horses were rescued

Police officers blocked off traffic while the two final horses were rescued

Soldiers led both the black and white horses away to their waiting horseboxes on Wednesday

Soldiers led both the black and white horses away to their waiting horseboxes on Wednesday

They white horse was taken towards the horsebox but it became apparent that the animal had injured its leg

They white horse was taken towards the horsebox but it became apparent that the animal had injured its leg

A soldier was seen bandaging its rear left leg in addition to other bandages stemming the bleeding

A soldier was seen bandaging its rear left leg in addition to other bandages stemming the bleeding

The City of London Police said: ‘At around 8.40am, we were called about horses that had became loose and were travelling through the City. 

‘Our officers have contained two horses on the Highway near Limehouse. We’re waiting for an Army horse box to collect the horses and transport them to veterinary care.’

London Ambulance Service said: ‘We were called at 8.25am today to reports of a person being thrown from a horse on Buckingham Palace Road, SW1W.

‘We sent resources to the scene including ambulance crews, a paramedic in a fast response car, and an incident response officer.

‘Our first paramedic was on the scene in five minutes.’

The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment Commanding Officer Matt Woodward said: ‘Our immediate priority was the safety and wellbeing of our soldiers, members of the public and our horses.’ 

The Household Cavalry – the regiment the horses were from – guards the monarch at Buckingham Palace and acts as the Sovereign’s mounted escort on state occasions. 

It also provides reconnaissance support to airborne forces on operations and has seen more than a few famous faces among its ranks.

Popstar James Blunt served in the regiment in the 1990s after training at Sandhurst military academy and went on to see active service in Kosovo.

Both Prince Harry and Prince William were also soldiers in the Household Cavalry’s other regiment, the Blues and Royals.   

Prince Harry was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the regiment in 2006 before being joined by Prince William later that year. 

James Blunt served in the Life Guards in the 1990s after training at Sandhurst military academy and went on to see active service in Kosovo. Above: Blunt in the Life Guards

James Blunt served in the Life Guards in the 1990s after training at Sandhurst military academy and went on to see active service in Kosovo. Above: Blunt in the Life Guards

You're Beautiful singer Blunt, 50, served in the Armed Forces for six years. Above: Blunt serving in Kosovo in 1999

You’re Beautiful singer Blunt, 50, served in the Armed Forces for six years. Above: Blunt serving in Kosovo in 1999

James Blunt live in concert at The AO Arena in Manchester earlier this month

James Blunt live in concert at The AO Arena in Manchester earlier this month

Blunt, 50, served in the Armed Forces for six years. As a Household Cavalry Life Guard, he stood sentry as the Queen Mother’s body lay in state and rode as the Queen’s Sovereign Escort on ceremonial escort. 

He was also one of the first peacekeepers to enter Pristina, Kosovo’s capital, where he encountered chilling evidence of ethnic cleansing. This experience inspired his song No Bravery. 

Speaking of his time in Kosovo in 2021, he told of a tense encounter with Russian forces.

He said: ‘I was the lead officer of 30,000 NATO troops.

‘We got to an airport where the Russians were there already. I was given instruction to overrun and overpower them.

‘Fortunately, a general who had been given that instruction was confronted by our own general who said, ‘I’m not having my soldiers start World War III and told us to pull back’.’

Meanwhile, Harry, the Duke of Sussex, rose to the rank of lieutenant in the Blues and Royals before he retrained as an Apache helicopter co-pilot in 2012 for his second tour of Afghanistan.

Both Prince Harry and Prince William were soldiers in the Household Cavalry's other regiment, the Blues and Royals. Above: Harry with William in the uniform of the Household Cavalry's Blues and Royals regiment on his wedding day in May 2018

Both Prince Harry and Prince William were soldiers in the Household Cavalry’s other regiment, the Blues and Royals. Above: Harry with William in the uniform of the Household Cavalry’s Blues and Royals regiment on his wedding day in May 2018

Prince Harry wearing the tropical dress of the Blues and Royals as he attends the Anzac Memorial service in Hyde Park in October 2018

Prince Harry wearing the tropical dress of the Blues and Royals as he attends the Anzac Memorial service in Hyde Park in October 2018

He chose to wear his regimental uniform when he married Meghan Markle at Windsor’s St George’s Chapel in 2018. 

The duke had been expected to follow his father King Charles and grandfather Prince Philip into the Welsh Guards after graduating from Sandhurst. 

He was said to have opted for the Household Cavalry so he could pursue his love of horses. 

William, who passed out of Sandhurst military academy after his younger brother, joined his brother in the Household Cavalry because of the variety of roles that the regiment undertakes. 

The Palace said that William was attracted by the regiment’s record in recent conflicts, including the Falklands War, the 1991 Gulf War and operations in Northern Ireland. 

The Blue and Royals and the Life Guards are the oldest and most senior regiments in the Army.

Princess Diana’s former lover, James Hewitt, served as a captain in the Life Guards.

Harry left the Army in March 2015 and then had to give up his honorary military appointments after ending his role as a working royal. 

Prince William went on to serve with the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy before leaving active service in 2013.

What is the Household Cavalry? 

The Household Cavalry Regiment is an elite cavalry unit, taking part in every major conflict since 1660. 

It is made up of the two most senior regiments in the British Army: The Life Guards and The Blues & Royals. 

It is divided into the Household Cavalry Regiment and the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment. 

The Household Cavalry Regiment is the operational unit, providing an armoured reconnaissance capability with the state-of-the-art AJAX armoured fighting vehicle. 

Soldiers are first are foremost armoured reconnaissance experts but also specialise in other battle winning capabilities, including snipers, anti-tanks, remotely piloted air systems, and information activity.

The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment is the ceremonial face of the regiment, conducting mounted state and public duties in London. 

Since 1660, the soldiers of Household Cavalry have acted as the monarch’s trusted guardians, as well as being the public face of the British Army both at home and abroad. 

Their prestige and horsemanship takes them across the UK and the rest of the world on key international events, all whilst representing the Monarch and the Nation.

The mounted regiment is based at Hyde Park barracks in Knightsbridge, London.

Source: Army/Household Cavalry

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